Wednesday Lectures | Chris Evans | 23th of January
Chris Evans, born 1967 and studied at Leicester De Montfort University. He has completed a degree in Graphic Design and a Masters in Fine Art. I am not going to lie I kept losing train of thought during this lecture as there was some personal issues happening at the time of this lecture so I am only going to write selectively about what did manage to grab my attention. His work was very atmospheric and created specific moods and this is something I could carry into my own practise. I know in order for a painting to create a mood you have to work with the soze, the color palette and the imagery. However, if I do not want to paint Chris Evans has shown me there are ways around introducing a piece of work into the space and creating a presence. My personal opinion is tht Evans drawings are one of the most successful works I have seen and I believe if he was to blow these up and looked up more on atmosphere and tones that this could be q very successful ongoing practise.