Wednesday Lectures + Q+A | Mike Pratt | 27th of March
I really enjoyed Mike Pratt's lecture as he is a relatable artist. He talked about subjects maybe some others tend to avoid such as financing and funding, how he overcame budgets and the struggles of over working a piece. One thing I found really interested about Pratt was that he did these amazing sculptures but he never classified himself as a sculptor just a painter which I found to be quite strange. I did question his digression of labelling himself as a sculptor but could not really give an answer other than he sees painting as his main practise.
Pratts work really inspired me especially his paintings because to they shown the frustrations of being a young artists and I loved it. I attended his q and a session and the atmosphere was great! Pratt said many great things and I will post below my notes I had taken.
Pratt preached being able to push yourself and `I strongly believe in this attribution.
He talked alot about how themes and context can damage creative thinking and I have to say I obviously do not remember what Pratt said word for word but he made me realise if a work is articulated and gives out satisfaction or some kind answer to someone, why does 'theme' matter?
Pratt has definitely influenced my work and has had a positive impact on my mind set . I don't have much else to say, it is mostly all in my notes and it is especially what was said in the q+a that has helped me move forward with my practise.
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