Billy Connolly | Exhibition

I don't have much to write on this one unfortunately. I recognised Billy Connolly from my childhood as he is an actor that I loved and I was unaware that he produced art. I find what Connolly said about his work to be very inspiring.  'My art is pure and unjudged: I am creating it for myself'. I strongly believe that art that is created with no meaning and rather for ones personal self is highly underrated. We live in a world where everything has to have meaning and have a complicated history to it. Of Course it is great when a piece of work hs context and is out to cause the greater good or raise awareness. I strongly believe though not everything needs to be that complicated though and that is completely fime to create art for arts sake because at the end of the day everyone will have an opinion on the piece anyway. As for Connollys pieces themselves I really enjoyed seeing his work up close and personal, I loved the minimalist style of his drawings and you can see from his work he has a clear passion for what he does. 


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