Wednesday Lectures | James Gardner | 3rd of April

James Gardner is owner/director/gallerist of Frutta Gallery, Rome/Glasgow. Gardner is very much interested in textiles, not that into painting. From what I gathered from this lecture Gardner was very interactive and obviously being owner\director\gallerist his practise includes a lot of collaborative efforts.


Gardner's lecture helped me realise how much the space of an exhibition makes your work as much as a frame or the medium itself. It is important to change and or react to a space or gallery. This is something I have been doing when creating a piece of work for the Masonic Hall. It has a history that involves Masonry and I wanted this to have an element in my work. I believe I am going to incorporate some imagery, photographs I have taken myself of natural forms and slabs of stones to reflect upon the buildings history.  I have Gardner to thank for this element in my work as I really took the buildings history and the space I was exhibiting into consideration and this laid the foundation for my work.


James Gardners work is not something I am genuinely interested in but I do believe he is a very clever man and creates amazing constructions with really interesting meanings. I also admired the lack of judgement when choosing artists for his shows, he doesn't take into consideration gender of the artist or anything like that but chooses work he likes and tries to give artists who never have been in a show before. He really gives the unknown a pedestal and gives their work a platform and an opportunity and I think that is very significant. I truly applaud James Gardner.



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