Statement in Depth 2018
I never found the visiting artist’s work that appealing this semester but I did find their practise to be very influential over my work. Their practise was all connected in some way or another. This inspired me in what I wanted to do next. I wanted to create an initial piece of work that would cause a reaction or an interpretation. With my response to the first piece I would create another piece of work. However, I wouldn’t let the audience know they were a part of this active process. Them viewing it in itself was a process important to my practise. I tested and research many bits of work (which can be seen on my blog) but the most successful proved to be the ones that were abstract as they were more open for interpretation. Painting in this style was out of my comfort zone but after a few attempts I became increasingly comfortable and started to have more appreciation over Abstract Art in general. This semester I was presented with an amazing opportuni...