Kevin Hunt
14th of February
Kevin Hunt is a Liverpool based artist who has been a practising art since 2005! Hunt has a studio at The Royal Standard, an artist led gallery, studio and workspace. A typical work of art for Kevin Hunt would be a sculptural piece that features found objects.
He has exhibited widely across the United Kingdom as well as abroad. What i admired about Kevin Hunt was he takes a boring object that can be easily found, pushes it to limits where it is no longer just an object but rather a piece of art. He seems to enjoy taking unwanted objects, sourcing them from places such as a charity shop or a scrap yard and giving these materials meaning.
"In fact the materiality and form that much of the stuff I come to use is comprised of is often really immaculate; having a certain sophistication that I believe bypasses any connotation of being just a shitty necklace for instance, and I like to think in becoming sculpture, this inherent sophistication is revealed and the objects are now free to exist as the things that they really are.” - Kevin Hunt
So far these Wednesday lectures have shown that even though i might not enjoy an artists work that i might actually hold a lot of respect for their process and their values that are involved in their practise. What i enjoyed most about Hunts practise is that he does take unwanted objects and revamps them turning them into something valuable and this is something I do consider doing with my own practise. I believe this idea of recycling found objects adds another dimension to a piece itself which adds more weight to the subject at hand.
I never really understood art of the "ready made" however, with the more time i spend at John Moore's I begin to understand more and more. It makes me think back to my own practise and think do I have to justify my ideas by putting paint to canvas or can i do that with another method? Sometimes simple can be the answer and sometimes simple can be more powerful at getting a message across.
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