Nina Edge
31st of January
Nina Edge studied Ceramic Design but she soon discovered her ideas would not fit into a kiln. She believes a role of an artist is looking. Edge makes work in a variety of locations including streets, shops, bars and many other peculiar areas as well. What I noticed about her (which can be comforting to some to see in a successful artist) , she did study ceramic design but quickly branched out to doing other projects.
I found this very inspiring about Nina Edge, I think that aspect of her life is relatable, you study one thing but can do another.
Edge has influenced me to think outside of the box when it comes to my work not only in what to do or how to do it but what do i do with it?. Take a painting for instance, after this lecture it has made me to make bolder options, making me think well would this work better if I translate it into a text piece or should I consider a whole other medium. Does it work in a gallery space or would it be better suit else where?
Nina Edge has certainly brought a lot of curiosity to light for me and my practise.
I can't say much other about her as i honestly did not enjoy her work all that well but i find her passion with art in general and her breaking boundaries of art work to gallery quite admirable. She has had a positive influence on me as she has opened up my mind a lot more which is a good quality to have as an artist.
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