Harold Offeh

14th of March 

41 year old Harold Offeh was born in Ghana in 1977. Although he did study Fine Art at Brighton and Photography at the Royal College of Art. He lives and works in London. Harold Offeh is currently an Arts admin associate artist and a trustee on the board at Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth.
Unfortunately i was unable to attend Offehs lecture. However, I was able to look at some friends notes and did a brief search on him.

I feel like Harold Offeh is the kind of artist who you need to meet in person and know his personality and means to enjoy his work. Even though i did research into him and looked at notes I felt like i wasn't getting the full understanding or the fuller picture to his practise. I find this interesting as I believe an artists personality has alot to do with the work they produce. Maybe if I was at that lecture I would of had a better understanding of his work.

From what I have read he is quite quirky but also very confident in putting himself out there and into his own work which is quite admirable.

What I have took away from Harold Offeh is maybe i need to put more of myself into my work. Not necessarily a physical image but rather an embodiment, adding more elements of me, my emotions and my passions into my work. This can be a hard thing to do and betray though. I believe that will be my goal this summer. Curating ideas that focus on my passions and my own identity. To develop them ideas so when it hits September I will be more self aware on what I want to do and where I want to take my art.


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