My Practise | Sound

I really enjoyed doing Peter's class so I wanted to experiment on my own more with sound. Since I was looking into the Psychology of my art, I wanted to see how a sound can change that or manipulate it into something it might not be or maybe something it is but it enhances the experience as it reaches out to another sense; hearing. I have created ones that were quite creepy in nature, some that are quite dramatic and others more subtle. I think next semester I will look more into my theories and effects of my work, as for this semester I am making full use of the experimenting era.

Maybe instead of showing the sound with the piece I could use the sound piece it play while I am painting and analyse the effects that has. Considering my work has been getting very expressionistic and active I would be very interested in these results.

Over the holidays I believe I will create more sound pieces as I have the intentions in developing them and making them a part of my practise. As for how? I am not completely sure yet as I do have multiple ideas. I will see how it goes! Wish me luck!


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