My Practise | My Thought Process Book

This is just a quick video showing off my book. It is isn't a sketchbook, more of blank pages were I get to spill out my thoughts and ideas. This helps me develop and think through ideas I have or helps me develop my practise. I find it very helpful spilling all my thoughts and paper and visually preparing them in a way that suits me. In a weird way it really stimulates my brain and gets things on the go. The blank page allows me to write as much as I want or need, sketch and doodle until my heart is content and I am happy. It can also be used just to calm me down and get my thoughts straight. This method this year has helped me greatly. I have had many ideas this semester which is great but it was hard focusing on one when I needed to and so I would go to my book to help that.
This is definitely a method of mental note taking I would like to continue in the future as it helps me eliminate ideas that may of wasted my time to begin with and/or help develop my practise as a whole.
It is important to note, what may seem like scribbles to you or someone else holds great value to me as it has made such a positive effect on my work. I would recommend anyone going through a rough patch in their practise to try this.


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