Bad Wednesday Lectures and Missed Ones

I attended the M. Halvorsen lecture but I could not focus on this lecture at all and looking back I could not even begin to tell you what it was about or what the artist done. Usually I would explain because the artist is boring, or lacks presentational skills but this time I think it was me and that day for some reason I had a hard time focusing. Again I am pretty sure this was a personal problem but maybe it could of been because of the artist that they didn't hold my interest enough? At least it has made me more aware of my actions and that if ever talking about my practise that I keep it interesting enough to keep the audience engaged. I will attach the little notes I did take in this lecture.

Sadly I did not attend Chris Altons and Jade Montserrat's lectures. I have still to get around and research them for myself, when I do I will maybe do a quick post on them on here. 


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