Bedwyr's Masterclass | Creative Writing | Week 6

Tuesday 30th of October 

I was not sure what to expect from Bedwyr workshop, so far I have been pleasantly surprised how much I have enjoyed all the workshops so far. I also enjoyed this one. I like how Bedwyr fed into fictional creativity, giving a random object such purpose just through context in which he grants it. He brings light to the mundane, gives it more significance. I also found that it almost mocks what we would see in museums to this day, long descriptive stories that describe a particular item as if we our selves where there. It makes us question the unknown and the possibilities of false information. I did my own piece of text based off this Jar. My friend Nicole posses this peculiar jar in which she loves dearly and puts such great care into and I wanted to give it more context; so I did. It was my subject of choice. I have attached my short story below. Enjoy!

I have always enjoyed writing, this masterclass gave me full ownership and creativity, the freedom to write the most extraordinary things and I can honestly say I have missed doing so. I definitely want to continue my journey and explore and experiment with some writing pieces. I have a painting in mind that I might try and write a short story alongside it and play around with different concepts to see how it effects the perception and intent. I will be posting that up on this blog.  I also want to create another one possibly that will relate to my practise "Psychological and Consciousness" as there is room for manipulation and changing thought processes, as always if I do create anything I will post it on here. 

Nicole’s Jar

Mouldy and curdled Jar-rome the Jar sits patiently on Nicole’s desktop, waiting to be burped. Jar-rome wasn’t always just a jar filled with splotches of dreary splotches of bad smelling mould. He used to be beautiful, shiny and clean but then Jar-rome was gifted the beautiful egg whites from the rare egg of the gold-plated chicken, Miss Feathers.
Miss Kencluck Feathers was the elite of all chickens around the world. Her proud owner Joe entered her into many competitions all around the world. With no surprise, she won every single one, judges didn’t hesitate to crown her the most valuable feathered animal out there. After Joe basked in the cash he received from all these international competitions he spent his days with Miss Feathers. Sadly, all the money in the world couldn’t prevent him from death. Unfortunately, Joe passed away, and through her depressed state Miss Feathers couldn’t lay no more eggs. Joe did have a wife however; Coleen. Coleen never supported Joes aspirations in chicken farming, especially the silly competitions he entered Miss Feathers in. She despised this golden feathered beauty, Joe never gave Coleen the time of day, he was always out with his chickens but in particular he spent most of his time with Miss Feathers. Now that she had stopped laying, she wasn’t bringing in money anymore so this was Colleens chance to get rid of Miss Feathers.  She was thrown onto a lorry full of other depressed and run-down birds, Colleen squawked until she couldn’t squawk no more. All of a sudden there was a loud BANG! The lorry has crashed! With the bang Colleens cage flew off the back off the lorry and it the cage collapsed setting Miss Feathers free. The golden feathered bird ran for her life passing many obstacles on her way. She collapsed with exhaustion on the back streets of Liverpool. Nicole was stumbling back from Bingo in her drunken state she thought that it would be an amazing idea to lift this unconscious bird and bring it back to her apartment with her. She wrapped Miss feathers in a blanket and kept her beside a nice glowing fire before she passed out in her drunk state. The drag queens and dirty innuendos was too much for her that night. A couple of days passed and Miss Feathers and Nicole got on very well together. Miss Feathers felt the love from Nicole but they both knew this was it. Miss Feathers wasn’t going to pull through. Nicole shed a tear and said goodbye to her beloved chicken friend. Before Miss Feathers took her last breath, she laid the last of her eggs as a parting gift to Nicole. Miss Feathers went through a lot but she felt warmth, comfort and love from her newest found owner she knew it was time to go. After a long controversy between Nicole and her flat mates they finally settled on not eating Miss Feathers as it would have been too heart wrenching for Nicole to see her delicious friend to be devoured she knew Miss Feathers deserved some respect and a proper burial. Nicole was now left with these eggs? What would she do? The beauty was what was inside the egg not what the shell looked like. She heard tales over time that the yoke was pure gold, worth a lot of money but how would she know unless she cracked it open? Nicole went to buy a jar worthy of Miss Feathers last known eggs in existence. She came across Jarome. The most sturdy and beautiful glass jar she had ever laid eyes on, she knew this was it, this was the one. Nicole’s hands trembled as she contemplated cracking open these mystical eggs. She finally mustered up the courage and she started to unveil their insides one by one. To her delight rays of what seamed liked sunshine beamed through the room. Nicole was dazzled. She needed to preserve these beauties, but how? She knew she had Jerome but the yokes needed to be kept good to keep their value. Nicole carefully placed the golden yokes into the fridge to preserve their beauty and value she was amazed at the magic that came from Miss Feathers. She felt as if she had betrayed Jar-rome the Jar he was there to place Miss Feathers full eggs in. She still had the egg whites, they were not as valuable as the yokes themselves but she wanted to incubate them in hopes maybe a new chicken like Miss Feathers would grow and she would be reunited with her friend once again. Nicole seeked far and wide for the ingredients to rebuild and grow a chicken even remotely like Miss Feathers again, she was desperate. Finally, one day she found it! On it hit her in the face. This whole time all she needed was milk and jelly and to burp her jar once a day. From that day on Jar-rome was left on a desk top, sad, alone, abandoned just gathering gasses – waiting to be burped. He felt so used. Every now and again people would take pictures of him, was never for his beautiful exterior but rather the contents that was placed unwillingly put inside him. Jar-rome was violated and now spends the rest of his days being man handled and burped.


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